Any shop or mall you go to you will see commercial hardware on the doors such as door levers, commercial door knobs, specially designed commercial dead bolts, exit devices such as push pedals or panic push bars, overhead door stops, keypad locks and electronic digital locks. All of these things are designed for our industry to make it easier to access a building and exit it yet make it safer at the same time. When a building is easily accessible it makes it easier for shopper to pass thru in and out.
Usually when we install commercial hardware we always make sure you get your full warranty because we know that this hardware will be used a lot. The reason why Hamilton Lock Service is the best pick for your commercial needs is that we know that if we install a push panic bar in a major store it could be pushed to open by at least a couple hundred of people per day. This means that after it’s been installed we have a couple of days or weeks to determine the quality of the job that was done, for that you carry our warranty.
Electronic hardware for commercial use is way more complicated to maintain you should always check the batteries and always make sure the keypads are clean, if you carry a mechanical keypad always clean the buttons and exterior of the keypad. In many cases I personally have encountered situations where I am opening a mechanical keypad that seems to malfunction and discover that it’s all because of dirt. Thus means cleaning your keypad is just as important as wiping your keyboard.
Push hardware is actually very sensitive; if you look at the components you will see that it looks tough because of the way it’s been designed. But take the push pedal apart and you break it down to small pieces. When you push or pull the entrance handle to enter or exit a store you actually turn a latch which retracts in and out of the Adams rite mechanism. These devices are complex to install and yet again fall under our warranty which is there to test the quality of our installation and make sure that everything is secure.
Some types of commercial hardware is not so “pass through” friendly like levers and deadbolts they are actually stronger than your average residential locks; they are solid and contain more pins. They cannot be easily picked or easily drilled. They are designed to be tough on a burglar and stop anyone trying to bypass it in his tracks and give up. The more pick proof and drill proof the lock is the safer your business content will stay.
All in all when you are trying to lock up your business try to examine all potential angels and options. There are many types of hardware out there and you can be using to resist anyone who wants to steal from your business. Hamilton Lock Service is here for your questions regards to business security, whether its electronic solutions or mechanical ones – we have it all.